Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last but not Least

As of right now this is my last blog, I have come to my conclusion of my Internet Marketing class. I hope that any of my blogs thus far have brought some insight to marketing on-line. In my last blog I would like to talk about the business that I have been researching, as well as an article that I found to encourage women to be successful, or reach success.

As women, the term breaking the class ceiling means trying to reach that point in your career where you overcome all the obstacles of, how shall I say it, living in a man’s world. Although we have transformed into a society where men and women work, we still have the barriers for women to maintain a successful position and keep it. So I am including a few suggestions that Inc.com has posted on their website under Woman in Business. The title of this article is, 7 Ways to smash the Class Ceiling!

  • 7. Play Hardball but only when necessaryMeaning, when dealing with some male counterparts who do not understand that you are the woman in charge, just use your voice!
  • 6. Find your own management style.Find your own voice and style!
  • 5. Set Boundaries.Since we like being in control, women just have to let go and delegate (at times)!
  • 4. Go where business is headed!
  • 2. Embrace the financials.Learning the ins and outs of your company!
  • 1. Make good use of your famine charm!We have charm that can be used! As quoted by designer Carilyn Vail, "I've far outweighed these negatives with the benefits of being a woman." (This in regards to not being a man)

I hope this will help any woman out there and give them some advice and encouragement to break that class ceiling. There are so many successful women out there and it always made me wonder, well what do I have to do to accomplish everything I want? I have copied these seven steps down and will follow them along the journey to open up this business!

Now back to this business, I know I would unveil more and more about what my business is going to entail. However, I am learning starting a business is easier said than done. I do not want to get discouraged but it is going to take a little bit longer to fulfill all of these obstacles that are coming my way. If I mentioned before, my target market that my partner and I are going for is women!

Next we are trying to market to women in the area of, what we know best, fashion and clothing. My main question for all the women out there is, do you have a hard time finding pants that fit just right? I know I do, as well as my business partner. This is why we came up with an idea on this business. Unfortunately, with the start of this business we would not be able to offer and online store where you would be able to actually purchase our products. We will have to maintain a brick and mortar store since we want to offer actual contact with our clients. I do however want to advertise and communicate like this through the internet, those are the most important things that I have learned in my recent class. I can reach so many more women this way, than taking any other directions.

Lastly I am hoping to add some differentiation to our business, for one there are so many other women clothing stores that offers a variety of women’s accessories, shoes, and clothing. But I want to position ourselves so that, even though we are only offering pants, we can offer the perfect fit in pants. Then eventually build our business up to where we can offer the other items that our competitors do. There are six strategies to make sure you add differentiation to any business, they include:
· Differentiation is needed to first enter into any market
· Owning a product that can be attributed in the consumers mind.
· Having product leadership
· Utilizing impressive company history or heritage
· Supporting or adding demonstrations of this different idea
· Most importantly, marketing and communicating the difference.
Thus I have only reached strategies one!

So in conclusion for this blog, I am still working on the business in hopes to help all women out there find that great pair of pants! Support and motivation is greatly appreciated through this ordeal, as well as any ideas and suggestions. I will try to continue to blog every month on the statues of this business until the idea is complete and the doors are ready to open. To be continued next month.

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